Magnitude Found in Motherhood

Magnitude Found in Motherhood

Meet Taylor. Tay is a precious friend of mine who I have had the blessing to know and to treasure since high school. She is one of the many who get to claim the title, "Momma" and views it as her calling. She is a wonderful mom and I can't wait for you to hear a little more about her heart for the magnitude of love she values and shares through motherhood. Enjoy!

Motherhood. It’s something I’ve dreamt of most my life. I have always wanted a family of my own to love, to raise and to nurture. I remember telling my husband VERY early on in our dating relationship “I want to be a momma and I want to stay home with them in the little years. It’s my dream.” He is a farm boy from Norris City, 45 minutes from my home town, and he responded with “I farm. It’s my life and my dream. If you will move with me to the farm,  as long as God provides, I will do all I can to assure you can raise our babies at home.” 

And that’s what we’ve done, thanks to God. We’ve been married 6 years and have two little kiddos of our own. He is living his dream of the farm, and I am a stay at home momma to a 4 year old boy, Briggs and 1 year old girl, Blake. We are truly blessed.

Motherhood has grown me, stretched me and made me experience emotions I didn’t know existed. A new kind of love. A new kind of worry. A new kind of protection. All the feels. I remember telling my mom early on after my son was born “it feels as if my heart is literally existing and walking out of my own body” to which she responded with “Yes. I know it, Tay. That’s how I feel about you and your brother... even still.” I understand now why my parents did and said the things they did. It’s true that you look at your own parents and your childhood differently after becoming a parent yourself. And not only my parents, but it’s given me a new outlook of God and His love. 

One thing that God has truly shown me in motherhood, is His genuine love for ME. I love my children more than anything. I would die for them. I will protect them at all cost. They are my everything, so when I think of Jesus on the cross, it shakes me in a new way. 

God loved His son. Jesus was blameless, perfect, without blemish or fault. Yet, He sent Him to die for ME. I wouldn’t give my children up for you or anyone. I simply could not and would not. Yet, God did. He put all the world's sin upon His only perfect Son. He had to turn His face away from HIS BOY. I cannot fathom that and it humbles me so greatly. 

He did it to save ME and to save YOU. We were worth it. The pain, the suffering, the beating, and the dying. He loved us so much, He gave His only Son. In spite of me, He calls me worthy. Had I or had you been the only person, He still would have came for us. He still would have died. He still would have rose again. That’s how much you and I mean to the Father. He loves us immensely more than we can imagine. He loves my children immensely more than I do. It’s hard to even grasp, yet it’s true. All the feelings I feel for my children, God feels that for us, friend. No matter what my children do they will always be mine. My love is so deep that nothing can change the love I have for them. God feels this way for His children, even more. Nothing can remove us from His hand once we make Him our Savior. Nothing can separate us from Him. No one has committed any sin or act that makes Him love us less or keeps us from His salvation. He desires ALL to know Him. He is our protector. He is our peace. He is our Father. And unlike an earthly parent, He will never fail you. I fail my children a lot. I fail my husband a lot. I miss the mark and fall short daily. But the one who never will...His name is Jesus. 

When Brooke asked me to write about a lesson I’ve learned in motherhood, I wasn’t sure about what I would speak of. Motherhood has taught me so much, but this is what my heart kept coming to. The immense love of Christ. That is what He has shown me most in motherhood. How much He genuinely loves me. The beauty of the gospel, and although it sounds so simple to say “Jesus loves you” - there is such magnitude in those words. So wherever you are in your life, know that when Jesus was on the cross, YOU were on His mind and He said YOU were worth it. 

Let’s live in that freedom. Let’s grab hold of that love and bathe in it. 


Isaiah 53:5 - But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 


2 Corinthians 5:21 - God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 


John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

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