Momma Maria. She is who I lean on for wisdom, encouragement, and prayer for literally all the things. Her influence in my walk with Jesus as been substantial. She's a talented teacher and a gifted speaker. Her heart for Jesus influences many and today I hope it influences you. Speaking on Spirit AND truth and the Biblical call to practice them both together, here's Maria:
"But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” -Jesus in John 4:23-24
Jesus spoke these words to a Samaritan woman who was very aware of her own sin. She doubted her own ability to be loved and chosen by Him because of what other people knew about her. Jesus went out of His way to reveal Himself as her Savior and to encourage her that the Father is not looking for perfection-He’s looking for those who will worship Him in spirit and truth.
Spirit and truth. Many of us naturally bend a little more toward one or the other, because of comfort or familiarity. This may stem from our church background (or lack of it), our family upbringing, etc.
When we live our lives worshiping in spirit, we worship from the heart. It’s not for show. It’s more than head knowledge. It’s genuine surrender, and we allow ourselves to remember that there is so much more going on than what meets the eye.
When we worship in truth, we stay rooted in all of God’s Word and we worship with gratitude knowing what Jesus did for us. We don’t let feelings sway the truth. (Anyone else struggle with that one!?) He wants us to walk with Him daily-in spirit and in truth. Not just in a church building. Wherever we go!
Jesus knows you better than anyone on earth and loves you more than anyone ever could! He wants to be loved and known by you, too. If there’s a wall you’ve built up around your heart/mind out of self-protection, today is a great day to let it down. Jesus is truly our only safe place 100% of the time. And He won’t ever stop.
I am moved by verse 23 where we’re told that the Father is “looking” for those who will worship Him that way. Since He is looking, let’s be found……obedient! Worshiping in spirit and truth.