Answer the Call

Answer the Call

I love getting phone calls from my friends.

I know I'm part of a generation who is completely immersed in texting and technology, but there is still something about a phone call that I often times prefer. To me, texting is the convenient thing to do. It's quick, it's easy, and I don't even have to dedicate any quiet time to be able to sit down and hold an intentional conversation. On the contrary, a phone call is just that; it's intentional. It's timely and usually the person on the other line needs something from me in that moment.

More times than not, when I see their name come up on my phone, I stop whatever I'm doing and I answer it. They are more important to me than anything I would be doing that would make me unavailable to them. I know that when I answer their call, they'll be on the other line ready to talk and eager for me to listen.

Again, I love when my friends call me. However, I'd be lying if I said that I never had those moments when my phone rang and I chose to decline the call. Whether they caught me at a bad time or I wasn't in the mood to dive in and discuss the topic that I knew they were going to bring up, I have been known to not answer.

One specific phone call that I will always treasure was a conversation I had with my sweet Kaijah girl. She had recently moved to college and was navigating this fresh new season and wholeheartedly seeking out what Jesus had in store for her. Like many college students, she had contemplated back and forth on which path she wanted to take for her future and career. Every new path she would start, she had yet to encounter a feeling of peace and always seemed to be back at square one. 

In this same season, I was watching as Kaijah had started to dabble in photography just for fun. She got a camera and was editing photos from her phone. It was nothing elaborate and it wasn't anything too fancy, but when I looked at her photos, I would have never been able to tell that this was just a newly found hobby of hers. She had a gift and I couldn't help but to encourage her through it. It really was as if God was finally giving her a sneak peek into the work He had in store for her.

Kaijah never thought she would be a photographer, but now she is one busy young lady! She has been organizing photo shoots with both friends and new clients, capturing sweet moments at worship and church events, directing media shoots for other ministries and organizations, as well as taking the lead on providing treasured photos for couple's weddings. Because she had a fervent heart for the Kingdom, when Jesus was calling her, she was willing to answer. She was in a position to be intentional. She was willing to listen to the voice on the other side of the conversation. Kaijah made herself available and she did not decline.

Jesus is calling you. He is calling you to love your neighbor. He is calling you to take that job. He is calling you to have that conversation. He is calling you to step up, to stand out, to rise up. He is calling you to forgive. He's calling you to take that leap of faith. He is calling you out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.

Jesus is calling you. Will you answer?


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