2023 Q2: Holy Sews

During quarter two, we collected money for Holy Sews. This is a ministry that makes outfits for pre-term babies who are often stillborn. Finding a properly fitting outfit for babies born early can be nearly impossible. Holy Sews makes outfits and ships them to hospitals to have on hand for families who find themselves in need of this provision. This ministry provides a sense of dignity to these families in a hard time.
In addition, we also partnered with Holy Sews to make "take home kits". Our amazing customers came into the store to sign out kits of tasks to complete at home. Many cut ribbons, glued bows onto tiny bears, and some even sewed full kits! It was amazing to watch our community step up and volunteer so willingly to this ministry.
There is a constant need for volunteers within this ministry. You can learn how to get involved by following the link below:

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